Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Word on Woody

Please read the linked article written by Robert Weide the maker of Woody Allen: A Documentary which aired on american Masters on PBS in 2012

So the thing that bothers me is I just clicked on a link on our company homepage that has Yahoo news links, this one was titled Why Stars Work With Woody.   It contains this line “The charges of abuse first came to light during divorce hearings between Allen and Mia Farrow in 1992.”  Which we know isn’t true as they were never married, but this is in a news story!!   Shouldn’t someone writing a news story on this subject know at least as much as I do about it?  And use facts?

After reading the attached article yesterday there is no doubt in my mind that we don’t know what really happened.   And it certainly reinforced my feeling that there is plenty to question and give you pause about.   Unfortunately the “newspapers” just put out headlines and 80% of people believe it, 10% of the others believe where there is smoke there may be fire.   After reading the entire article yesterday I think it’s fair to say that there is as good a chance that he did  not do this as there is he did.  I’d even lean to the side of saying it seems more likely he didn’t, but I’m a fan and can’t imagine him doing that, so I have to take that into account.  I've also witnessed people so bitter from divorce that they would have considered making these types of allegations to hurt their ex.   Many people will just say they can't imagine Mia Farrow doing that, well I can't imagine Woody doing what he is accused of, but one of them did it.  The point is we don't know, and I don't think the headlines that are out there are giving an unbiased view to people.   I think most people who read the attached article will come away with a lot of information they didn't know, and it will not seem so black and white to them anymore.

Even the genuinely creepy issue of Soon-Yi seems a little less creepy once you have some of those facts laid out.   A lot of assumptions I had were corrected or clarified.  Still the age difference whether it’s Woody and Soon-Yi or Mia and Sinatra, is just weird to me, but it does happen a lot.   I think what happens to a lot of people is they see that relationship and say well obviously he did this to Dylan.  But there really is no correlation between an older man wanting to have a relationship with a 19 year old woman and wanting to have one with a child.   Most men will find a 19 year old woman attractive sexually, but find a 7 year old completely unrelated to those thoughts.   That line of thinking seems like logic to a lot of people on the surface, but it's the same type of thinking that says a homosexual is probably also a pedophile.  there is zero correlation.

I don't think I can really add anything to the excellent essay linked above, like that author I don't know what really happened.  the point is no one outside Woody Allen and Mia Farrow do.  I wanted to post this in hopes that more people we see this article and realize there are more than just the mainstream headlines. If Woody did the things he is accused of that's terrible, if he didn't what is being done to him now and has hung over him for the last two decades is terrible.   Either way someone has done something Terrible to Dylan.  

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