Monday, May 5, 2008

Statement of intent.

This blog is not a place where I will review every film I see. I have watched over 120 films so far in 2008 and there is no way I can possibly write a review on each one of them. If that were to be my intent I would fail and quickly. I will likely keep an onging list of what I have watched, and post reviews and or comments on the ones I feel so inclined to. I enjoy making lists, compiling lists, and reading lists, and believe in my heart of hearts that my list of top ten films on young love will someday save a life, assuming of course that I create it. Expect lists - I can definitely commit to lists. I believe in lists the way others believe that Kraft is the Cheesiest - wholeheartedly.

I imagine that I will from time to time see something and, while not having the time or desire to write a full review, I will want to comment on some aspect of it, some trend, even just a theory. I will probably write down some thoughts on my favorite this and thats... whatever those are. As we lose important or not so important people in film I will probably say something, a full out tribute? possibly, doubtful, but one never knows. A list of their best films and a brief comment on their passing... seems a bit more likely doesn't it? Now if say Red Buttons died, I don't think I would really have much to say...actually for all I know he is dead....yep, IMDB confirms Red is no longer with us, and as I suspected I really don't have anything to add to that. Now if Kenneth Branagh dies, you'll probably want to not check in for awhile as I'm likely (assuming I can bring myself to post{is that what they call it?}) to go on and on and on about it for days, months, years, from that day until the ending of the world!!!

Which brings me to two final points. On my next post (again is that what they call it?) I will try and explain my likes and dislikes, my loves and my hates, my thoughts and feelings about film. So that you the non-existent reader will have a better understanding of me and my tastes. Thus giving yourself the tools with which to judge whether reading this blog is what you really want to do with your imaginary freetime or if you'd rather spend it doing other seemingly less wasteful things. The second point is that I really have only the slightest idea what a blog is and how to use it. I know it has something to do with typing in thoughts so that others can read them and respond, and possibly there's a goat involved, but that as with all things technical is where it gets a bit fuzzy on me. So I will attempt to keep this updated regularly, would greatly appreciate your response or Comments as I belive they are called in the world of blogging. I will also attempt to post links and add lists and things but let's face it... it'll be kind of a miracle if I can find the blog again!

For now that is all I will try and be back soon.


mere5oh said...

Oh! Veteran blogger here. I can show you how to make your blog fancy with pictures and links!

Yes, it's called a post, technically. But, you can call it whatever you want really. You could say it's the goats lament if you want.

Anyway, I look forward to reading more blog! :o)

Oh, and, did I just pop your blogger comment cherry?

Anonymous said...

Pure Rob, including the goat. Can't wait to see more! Sorry to hear about Red.


Chris said...

I want to know how much you hate Deception. I haven't seen it yet but of course I will, even if it sucks.