Thursday, May 29, 2008
Two Lane Black Top AKA WTF?
Two Lane Black top stars James Taylor and one of the Beach Boys as drag racing drifters. It's from that period in the seventies when they made really deep pictures about who we all were and where we were going and what it meant to be free. This picture is soooooo deep. Too bad it wasn't a little deeper though - then it might not have been found. The most astonishing thing about this film is that it's been released on DVD by the Criterion collection. I imagine the reason that the film might be considered by anyone to be important is due to the last frames, in which rather than resolve the story (not that there is much of one), it shows the film getting jammed in the projector and melting. If you boil the story down to it's simplest nugget, then you'd have to say that plot-wise the film is a race between the drifters and a compulsive liar for the pink slips for their cars. Of course the film ends before the race does, so the only conventional aspect of the narrative that the audience has to grasp onto is left unresolved. By the end you don't really care - the real reward is that it's over. I think it wants to be the car version of of Easy Rider, with James Taylor in the Peter Fonda role, and the Beach Boy [a Wilson, but not Brian (that's how much I care about this movie. I can't even be arsed to look that detail up on IMDB.)] in the role of Dennis Hopper. Some other guy who they are racing to D.C. must be some sort of Nicholson surrogate. The twist is the female hitchiker, whom they also compete for (why I have no idea - she barely talks and seems like a nuisence). Story wise it's no Easy Rider. Of course what made Easy Rider so great for me was the feeling it achieved about what it's like to cross the country on a motorcycle (close as I'll ever get - Ali wont let me have one). Now imagine those shots in cinemascope of America and Captain America on thier bikes, riding through picture that through a muddy windshield. Not really the same feeling at all. D+
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Movie Reviews - Or More Aptly - Comments.
Just a quick post here to say that I intend to do what I did the other night with all future screenings. I'll probably pop on right after a screening or for sure with in a day or two, maybe commenting on two or three films at a time - say on a Sunday night if we watched a couple of things over the weekend. I'm not going to go back and comment on past films from the list, but if you want to place a comment about previous films, request a response about a film, or post a opinion or review of your own, I'll keep an eye on your comments.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Woo Hoo's!!!

How can you possibly critique the return of Indiana Jones after almost 20 years offscreen? I can't. It's Indiana Jones for god's sake!! What was it like? It was like an Indiana Jones movie. It is the very embodiment of a popcorn movie - it's there to entertain. After seeing it we were wondering how it ranked compared to the others. You realize you've seen the others 10 times each - how can you possibly compare a film you just seen once to ones you've seen 10 times? I will be able to rank it once I've seen it 2 maybe 3 more times and have a least a year under my belt. First off, it would have had to be incompetent not to seem great on the first viewing, simply because it's Indiana Jones, back after almost 20 years. And let's face it, Speilberg has had a couple of films that weren't great. As the phrase he inspired goes, "Everyone has their Hook". But incompetence isn't really something he's capable of. The man has more than his share of masterpieces under his belt. So what can I say about it that wont be a spoiler? It's fun - damn fun. You know what else... for 65, Harrison Ford is amazing. He pulls it off. If there was anything that made me hesitate about this film before I saw it, it was Harrison's age and this theory I have that he secretly had a stroke about 15 years ago... but that's fodder for another blog.
Sydney Pollack... Solid
So you wanna direct movies? You know who directed movies? Sydney Pollack. You know what happened to him? He's dead!!!!
Fan's of Freaks and Geeks will know what I talkin(sic) about, everybody else, what are you waiting for? That's a great show and it's on DVD, and there are only 18 episodes so it's not like Buffy the Vampire Slayer where between Buffy and Angel there are 254 episodes... course you should still be watching that too. Hey! I just looked up Tangent in the dictionary guess what it said?
Tangent: Fan's of Freaks and Geeks will know what I talkin(sic) about, everybody else, what are you waiting for? That's a great show and it's on DVD, and there are only 18 episodes so it's not like Buffy the Vampire Slayer where between Buffy and Angel there are 254 episodes... course you should still be watching that too.
Weird huh?
Sorry anyway, God that's sounds really unsympathetic. "Anyway" just talking about an person's death, I mean gee whiz. Anyway ARRGGHHHH!!
Sydney Pollack died Monday, He was what I call a solid director. some people would consider that a slight, I mena it as a compliment. Solid to me means, he's always good. His films show a craftsmans like quality, always solid scripts, and always solid performances. You know... solid. As an actor, which he also was, Solid. He had the gravity to potray someone with authority, he needed to be on the screen only for a few minutes and you sensed intelligence and authority. Gravitas. There's a word that perfectly captures Pollack's screen presence. The first time I remember seeing him on screen was also the first time I'd seen a film he directed, that was Tootsie and I saw it at the Safari 7 theatre in Moorhean MN. (oh yeah that's another weird thing about me I can usually remember where I saw a film and who I was with). The next time I'm concious of him is as an actor in Woody Allen's Husband's and Wives. That is a great performance I can see him telling his younger girlfriend to get in the car, it's a moment that feels so real, you can feel his frustration his embarrassment, his inability to cope with this moment he can't control. As a producer her was also... solid. He's actually one of the very few people that if I see he produced it , it means something to me. I've always felt based on interviews seen and read and comments of actors and directors who have worked with him that he is concerned with quality that he works hard to make sure his projects are... well solid!!
Top 5 performances as an actor:
1. Husbands and Wives
2. Michael Clayton
3. Eye's Wide Shut
4. Tootsie
5. The Interpreter
Top 5 films as director:
1. Tootsie
2. Three Days of the Condor
3. The Firm
4. The Way We Were
5. The Interpreter
Really need to see Jeremiah Johnson, They Shoot Horses Don't They?, The Electric Horseman, Out of Africa, Random Hearts, Absence of Malice, Havana. In truth I've seen half of those but can basically remember that I've seen them but not enough to rank them.
Fan's of Freaks and Geeks will know what I talkin(sic) about, everybody else, what are you waiting for? That's a great show and it's on DVD, and there are only 18 episodes so it's not like Buffy the Vampire Slayer where between Buffy and Angel there are 254 episodes... course you should still be watching that too. Hey! I just looked up Tangent in the dictionary guess what it said?
Tangent: Fan's of Freaks and Geeks will know what I talkin(sic) about, everybody else, what are you waiting for? That's a great show and it's on DVD, and there are only 18 episodes so it's not like Buffy the Vampire Slayer where between Buffy and Angel there are 254 episodes... course you should still be watching that too.
Weird huh?
Sorry anyway, God that's sounds really unsympathetic. "Anyway" just talking about an person's death, I mean gee whiz. Anyway ARRGGHHHH!!
Sydney Pollack died Monday, He was what I call a solid director. some people would consider that a slight, I mena it as a compliment. Solid to me means, he's always good. His films show a craftsmans like quality, always solid scripts, and always solid performances. You know... solid. As an actor, which he also was, Solid. He had the gravity to potray someone with authority, he needed to be on the screen only for a few minutes and you sensed intelligence and authority. Gravitas. There's a word that perfectly captures Pollack's screen presence. The first time I remember seeing him on screen was also the first time I'd seen a film he directed, that was Tootsie and I saw it at the Safari 7 theatre in Moorhean MN. (oh yeah that's another weird thing about me I can usually remember where I saw a film and who I was with). The next time I'm concious of him is as an actor in Woody Allen's Husband's and Wives. That is a great performance I can see him telling his younger girlfriend to get in the car, it's a moment that feels so real, you can feel his frustration his embarrassment, his inability to cope with this moment he can't control. As a producer her was also... solid. He's actually one of the very few people that if I see he produced it , it means something to me. I've always felt based on interviews seen and read and comments of actors and directors who have worked with him that he is concerned with quality that he works hard to make sure his projects are... well solid!!
Top 5 performances as an actor:
1. Husbands and Wives
2. Michael Clayton
3. Eye's Wide Shut
4. Tootsie
5. The Interpreter
Top 5 films as director:
1. Tootsie
2. Three Days of the Condor
3. The Firm
4. The Way We Were
5. The Interpreter
Really need to see Jeremiah Johnson, They Shoot Horses Don't They?, The Electric Horseman, Out of Africa, Random Hearts, Absence of Malice, Havana. In truth I've seen half of those but can basically remember that I've seen them but not enough to rank them.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Some quick comments on recent veiwings.
My good friend Darin out in L.A. who should have been listed in the last blog as an inspiration had suggested that I need only make a few brief comments on the films I see not write long reviews. Darin for those who don't know him is a very talented writer who's blog I will try and get permission from him to link to from my front page. Darin doesn't update as often as he should but I think you'll find that true of any blogger who has a job and in my case a family or in Darin's access to alcohol. I thought I should finaly take Darin up on his great suggestion, so here I'll write a couple of lines down on the last few items I've added to the Films Viewed in 2008 entry.

First off you've probably noticed if you look through the list some weird trends. First a lot of John Wayne movies. Why? Well as Nancy at work says "you're such a girl" so I started watching John Wayne films to up my macho quotent. Of course on further reflection that doesn't really help I think if you asked 10 gay men what they wanted to have at their birthday party a clown or a cowboy, 9 out of 10 would say cowboy. Anyway all that aside I've really been on a John Wayne kick, discovering why he was so popular for so many years. And really learning to overcome my own prejudices, I grew up in the age of wayne parodies. I grew up in a world that did not take him seriously and thus I considered him a joke, and the clips that would air on awards shows or shows about movies would seem to be evidence of a man who talked one way and who was the same in every movie. Not let's be fair, Wayne didn't have a huge range, but neither does Cary Grant, why has he faired better in pop culture memory. I think because in the time I was growing up and first getting into movies the 80's and 90's romantic comedies were big business, that genre of films at which Grant excelled, was popular and so his movies were referenced in current movies and aired on cable a lot. Hell one of the more memorable films of the that genre of the 90's Sleepless in Seattle was actually a play on his An Affair to Remember. In Wayne's case Westerns were certainly not popular in the 80's or 90's. I've watched probably 30 John Wayne films in the last two years maybe more, I get it now. I get why he was so popular, and I get why people made fun of him. People say "oh yeah John Wayne was great in that one role, you know the one he played in every one of his films." Kinda like the way you'd say "oh yeah Tommy's great if you like a guy who just throws touchdowns all the time." You know with a twinge of jealousy, unfortunately once you were removed from having seen the material, all you had were peoples jokes and it became more or less common kowledge, I always thought why see that John Wayne movie? I know how it will be even if I haven't seen it. Well I'll tell you what, yeah he acts very similiar in a lot of the films, but that's OK because he's really appealing, and the films are actually very good over all. Sure of the thirty some I've seen now there have been a couple of bad ones, but I have yet to see a bad performance from Wayne. The Shootist , his last film is a great example of the sort of performance he was caplable of even within his limited range, I definitely reccomend it.
Another disturbing trend is the sudden insurge of films based on Stephen King's works. It's getting late so I'll make this briefer. Well you know what? some are great! Doubt me? flip in Stand By Me, The Shawshank Redemption, Or Misery. A lot of them...well they are kinda crap, but in a good way. You know what? if you watch a film expecting greatness you are frequently disappointed, if you watch a film for what it is sometimes you can get a lot more enjoyment out of it than you really have any right too. When I'm making my top 10 lists for the year, I know I'm not considering these types of films, but you know what? A lot of the time we are looking for something to entertain us as best it can for a little while. I've been finding these films to fall under that category a lot of the time. Besides and more importantly, Alex is having a blast with them, and that's why we are watching them. So when I get through them all I'll do a top ten of Stephen King films but we are only about 1/4 of the way through, and some he's just not ready for, anyway.
So as promised hours ago, literally for me, probably only feels that way to you, unless your reading chapter books still, in which case, good for you keep it up!! My thoughts breifly (is that even possible for this guy?) on some recent screenings.
State and Main: I just like this little Mamet film, William H. Macy is great as a film director who talks the talk and keeps things moving at all costs, when he and his film company take over a small town in Maine. You gotta love the performances from Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Alec Baldwin, and Sarah Jeesica Parker as well. Great little ensemble film, with a real quaint feel and some great Mamet lines. B+
Raiders of the Lost Ark: Definitely in the top 20 to 30 films of all time, certainly in the top 5 action films, possibly number 1, but I don't have the energy right now to think of the other great action films and compare them. The Role Harrison Ford was born to play. Watching the original trilogy in anticipation of seeing the new film tomorrow afternoon. Having watched all three again you really feel how this one seems more real than the others, they seem more like real people and real places and real stunts. They are all fun but this is the best! A+
Rose Red: Sort of a retelling or at least strongly inspired by The Haunting of Hill House, Shirly Jackson's novel that was the basis for The Haunting the film by Robert wise. I can't say I found it to be really scary... but Alex did. I did enjoy it though, Julian Sands is really good and sympathetic, that guy should get more work. Nancy Travis is a bit iffy but not too bad. Production values were really quite good for a television mini-series, and the thing about King's best work is that the character developement is usually the strength, at 254 minutes, that attribute is given time to develope as it needs to in order to be truely effective. B

First off you've probably noticed if you look through the list some weird trends. First a lot of John Wayne movies. Why? Well as Nancy at work says "you're such a girl" so I started watching John Wayne films to up my macho quotent. Of course on further reflection that doesn't really help I think if you asked 10 gay men what they wanted to have at their birthday party a clown or a cowboy, 9 out of 10 would say cowboy. Anyway all that aside I've really been on a John Wayne kick, discovering why he was so popular for so many years. And really learning to overcome my own prejudices, I grew up in the age of wayne parodies. I grew up in a world that did not take him seriously and thus I considered him a joke, and the clips that would air on awards shows or shows about movies would seem to be evidence of a man who talked one way and who was the same in every movie. Not let's be fair, Wayne didn't have a huge range, but neither does Cary Grant, why has he faired better in pop culture memory. I think because in the time I was growing up and first getting into movies the 80's and 90's romantic comedies were big business, that genre of films at which Grant excelled, was popular and so his movies were referenced in current movies and aired on cable a lot. Hell one of the more memorable films of the that genre of the 90's Sleepless in Seattle was actually a play on his An Affair to Remember. In Wayne's case Westerns were certainly not popular in the 80's or 90's. I've watched probably 30 John Wayne films in the last two years maybe more, I get it now. I get why he was so popular, and I get why people made fun of him. People say "oh yeah John Wayne was great in that one role, you know the one he played in every one of his films." Kinda like the way you'd say "oh yeah Tommy's great if you like a guy who just throws touchdowns all the time." You know with a twinge of jealousy, unfortunately once you were removed from having seen the material, all you had were peoples jokes and it became more or less common kowledge, I always thought why see that John Wayne movie? I know how it will be even if I haven't seen it. Well I'll tell you what, yeah he acts very similiar in a lot of the films, but that's OK because he's really appealing, and the films are actually very good over all. Sure of the thirty some I've seen now there have been a couple of bad ones, but I have yet to see a bad performance from Wayne. The Shootist , his last film is a great example of the sort of performance he was caplable of even within his limited range, I definitely reccomend it.
Another disturbing trend is the sudden insurge of films based on Stephen King's works. It's getting late so I'll make this briefer. Well you know what? some are great! Doubt me? flip in Stand By Me, The Shawshank Redemption, Or Misery. A lot of them...well they are kinda crap, but in a good way. You know what? if you watch a film expecting greatness you are frequently disappointed, if you watch a film for what it is sometimes you can get a lot more enjoyment out of it than you really have any right too. When I'm making my top 10 lists for the year, I know I'm not considering these types of films, but you know what? A lot of the time we are looking for something to entertain us as best it can for a little while. I've been finding these films to fall under that category a lot of the time. Besides and more importantly, Alex is having a blast with them, and that's why we are watching them. So when I get through them all I'll do a top ten of Stephen King films but we are only about 1/4 of the way through, and some he's just not ready for, anyway.
So as promised hours ago, literally for me, probably only feels that way to you, unless your reading chapter books still, in which case, good for you keep it up!! My thoughts breifly (is that even possible for this guy?) on some recent screenings.
State and Main: I just like this little Mamet film, William H. Macy is great as a film director who talks the talk and keeps things moving at all costs, when he and his film company take over a small town in Maine. You gotta love the performances from Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Alec Baldwin, and Sarah Jeesica Parker as well. Great little ensemble film, with a real quaint feel and some great Mamet lines. B+
Raiders of the Lost Ark: Definitely in the top 20 to 30 films of all time, certainly in the top 5 action films, possibly number 1, but I don't have the energy right now to think of the other great action films and compare them. The Role Harrison Ford was born to play. Watching the original trilogy in anticipation of seeing the new film tomorrow afternoon. Having watched all three again you really feel how this one seems more real than the others, they seem more like real people and real places and real stunts. They are all fun but this is the best! A+
Rose Red: Sort of a retelling or at least strongly inspired by The Haunting of Hill House, Shirly Jackson's novel that was the basis for The Haunting the film by Robert wise. I can't say I found it to be really scary... but Alex did. I did enjoy it though, Julian Sands is really good and sympathetic, that guy should get more work. Nancy Travis is a bit iffy but not too bad. Production values were really quite good for a television mini-series, and the thing about King's best work is that the character developement is usually the strength, at 254 minutes, that attribute is given time to develope as it needs to in order to be truely effective. B
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Inspirations and partialities

Is it a Blog entry or a newly discovered lost Jane Austen novel? Well what do you think? It's sort of like thinking that a Discovery channel special on the Loch Ness Monster is really going to contain conclusive evidence that the monster exists. If that happened it would be major breaking news, they would not reveal it in a little watched Discovery channel episode. So if you didn't follow along there, yes it is a new post. Sorry it's been over a week I'll try not to let that happen again.
So Inspirations, not "the Inspiration", which aside from being a wonderfully sappy and memory laden song, (ahh Tracy and bobbi what ever happened too you?) would indicate that there is only one inspiration and that is not so. Writing inspirations, certainly Roger Ebert, the only film critic I regularly read. I don't always agree with him, but like my friend Jason whom I don't always agree with, I like him, I really like him. Having read him fairly religiously, for film is indeed my religion, for around 5 years, and watching him for probably close to 30 on T.V. I feel as though I know him. I rememeber watching Siskel and Ebert as a child with my Dad, we both liked Roger best, maybe because we agreed with him more often or maybe because in the early days he was pretty heavy, just like dear old Dad. I grew up watching Siskel and Ebert discuss, and best of all argue about movies. I think I liked to see them argue best because arguing about films is not really in my nature. So it was sort of a vicarious pleasure to watch them really go at it. I rarely argue about movies, either because I'm embarrassed to voice my opinions or because I believe deep down that we like what we like, and I like everyone to have a good time at the movies, even if I didn't with a particular film. Someone has to like the Musketeer!! I'm more likely to tease you about liking a film I didn't then argue with you over it, and then only if I'm comfortable with you. I remember the day I heard Gene Siskel had died, I was on the way to a hardware store with my Father-in-law and we heard the news on the radio, Ali and I had just moved to MPLS and Andy and Ann had come to help us get settled in our new apartment, and help with some projects. Now Ebert has been battleing his illnesses, and it all reminds me of Dad. I feel more and more like I know him, and more and more that I can't stand for him to die. I've already lost one movie buddy to a throat cancer I realy don't want to go through that again. In a way it always felt like Dad was there watching with me when I was watching Ebert and Roeper. Somehow I think I've transfered some of Dad into Roger, and when he goes that part of him will be gone for good.
Roger wrote recently in his own blog about a piece of writing advice that was given to him when he was first starting out as a journalist, he said, and I'm paraphrasing here, Don't think about writing, write. The muse visits while you are writing not before. This is why I connect with the man. I have not written much in my life, the odd Christmas letter, the occasional attempt at a script or short story, papers for classes, now obviously a blog. When I do write I write as he suggested I just sit and type, which is probably obvious if you are reading these blogs. It results in a sort of stream of conciousness form that can lead anywhere and rarely leads where I intend or start off for at the outset. Now if this were for publication I would obviously go back and do a second and third draft, but it isn't so what I write is what you get. It's great advise though, and advise that I write by. the thing is though I didn't need Ebert to tell me that, I already did that, and knew that. Which is why it's just another thing like the nature of his recent health issues that gives me a connection, when I read that the muse visits while you are writing, I knew he had put into words exactly what I had always known, but...more elegantly then I ever could. So there is Ebert, as an inspiration others would be the prose work of Woody Allen and Stephen Fry, I think they both represent influences on my sense of humor, for good or bad.
In terms of taste or just love of movies there are two huge influences, my Dad and Ted Larson, my film instructor, and friend from MSU. Unfortunately they are both gone now. but to honor them I try and get my kids interested in Buster Keaton and The Man of La Mancha. Interesting side bar here, my brother Scott and I actually slipped a DVD of The Man of La Mancha into Dad's coffin before he was buried. I hope when I go someone slips in a DVD (or as my Dad would say a hologram thingy) of Hamlet for me to take with on my journey to the Undiscovered Country. He was always convinced that before too long the DVD's would be replaced with (and this is a technical term) Hologram thingy's. Which was an odd stance for a man who's DVD buying habits rivaled my own. Holy cow I just realized Ted was pretty heavy too. Are fat people more insightful about movies or do they just become fat because they spend so much time eating popcorn at the theater? Man, Dad liked the popcorn, I do too, but he really liked it, he'd get the big bucket eat it before the film started and then go back a fill it up again. Then half the time get it filled again to take home and throw away there. But that's a whole nother issue. Anyway see what I mean about stream of conciousness? Dad used to take me to double features at the Fargo theatre I remember seing The Sting and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid one time on a double bill. He also introduced me to a lot of movies that are probably very poorly regarded in general but that have a special place in my heart. The aforementioned Man of La Mancha, Somewhere in Time (almost directly responsible for my daughter Grace), Same Time Next Year. But he also introduced me to some real undisbuted classics like Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and the films of Alfred Hitchcock. Ted showed me the magic of silent films, the Kid, The General, Sunrise. And a true appreciation of films I had seen and dismissed when I was too young to understand them, such as the Graduate and 2001: a Space Odessey.
Now Partialities, which is possibly a ficticiousy word, which in itself may not entirely exist in the human language as it was known before I began blogging. So what am I partial too? Three guesses first two don't count. Kenneth Branagh, to help you understand how deep that runs let me point out that I dyed my hair blonde last fall to go trick or treating with my children as his interpretation of Hamlet (see above photo). I, while your doing that will die of embarrassment. Fantastic!!! Aside from that ... woody Allen, Time Travel, Musicals, Hitchcock, John Wayne (this is new and there will probably be a blog soon addressing this alarming development), Horror films, particulary older black and white (monster fiilms) and films of the Hammer studios in the 60's. But also lately the Italian Giallo style films, Bava, and Argento. The Apatow for lack of a better word clique. Cameron Crowe, Whit stillman, Wes Anderson, Kevin Smith, John Cusak, Charlie Kaufman, Mickey Rourke (before all the plastic surgery and one can only assume brain damage) Tarantino, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Tim Burton,,,, yeah OK now I'm just rambling.
I would like to close out by saying thanks to Sara for the comments keep them coming. I think there will need to be a future blog dedicated to You and Me and Everyone we Know, I actually know other people who have seen it, mostly at my urging, and they wont leave me alone with their children anymore. To the best of my knowledge you and me and Ali and Roger Ebert are the only people who like this film. let me know if there is anything you'd like me to write about or if there is a top 10 you'd like me to compile please feel free to comment on anything I write with your own views or your own top 10's.
Paging housekeeping to the Blog, housekeeping to the Blog please!
Some housekeeping type items.
1. Am I supposed to respond to "comments" with a "comments" of my own? Well I'm going to play that by ear I think I may just respond in subsequent blogs. Feel free to chime in with your opinions though, if I should be responding to you in "comments" we can do that as well.
2. And this is more of a FYI. I am more in need of a proofreader than any man in history. Sorry about that. I will whenever possible have Ali proofread before I post when not possible hopefully she can retroactively proofread and make the appropriate adjustments. But let's be real here for a second these are blogs, it's not for a grade so let's try and just have fun and overlook the odd typo and even odder punctuation.
3. I have added a blog entry that contains the list of films I have seen in 2008, I will continue to update that as I see films so please check it out from time to time I am unsure of a better way to do that so if anyone has another suggestion please let me know. I was on track for about 1 a day but aside from the three I watched with the kids this last week I haven't actually watched anything on my own one reason is the blogging, I find it a fair trade off.
4. I am finding this to be a creative outlet, something that I now realize has been missing from my lifee for awhile. It's refreshing and fun, I'd like to keep doing it. I know this about myself though, if I think no one but Ali and I are reading it I'll eventually stop because what's the point in wrtiting if no one is reading. So if you are reading please stop back regularly and please please write comments so I know you're there.
1. Am I supposed to respond to "comments" with a "comments" of my own? Well I'm going to play that by ear I think I may just respond in subsequent blogs. Feel free to chime in with your opinions though, if I should be responding to you in "comments" we can do that as well.
2. And this is more of a FYI. I am more in need of a proofreader than any man in history. Sorry about that. I will whenever possible have Ali proofread before I post when not possible hopefully she can retroactively proofread and make the appropriate adjustments. But let's be real here for a second these are blogs, it's not for a grade so let's try and just have fun and overlook the odd typo and even odder punctuation.
3. I have added a blog entry that contains the list of films I have seen in 2008, I will continue to update that as I see films so please check it out from time to time I am unsure of a better way to do that so if anyone has another suggestion please let me know. I was on track for about 1 a day but aside from the three I watched with the kids this last week I haven't actually watched anything on my own one reason is the blogging, I find it a fair trade off.
4. I am finding this to be a creative outlet, something that I now realize has been missing from my lifee for awhile. It's refreshing and fun, I'd like to keep doing it. I know this about myself though, if I think no one but Ali and I are reading it I'll eventually stop because what's the point in wrtiting if no one is reading. So if you are reading please stop back regularly and please please write comments so I know you're there.
Films Viewed in 2008
I will attempt to keep this list updated weekly, feel free to ask in comments about any of the films I see.
Eastern Promises
A Mighty Heart
The Namesake
As You Like It
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
Blade Runner
Take the Money and Run
Sweeney Todd
Mighty Aphrodite
Cassandra’s Dream
The Orphanage
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
The Omega Man
Match Point
There Will Be Blood
La Vie en Rose
The Golden Compass
Val Lewton – The Man In the shadows
Shoot em Up
Crimes and Misdemeanors
Remains of the Day
The Ten
Love and Death
Groundhog Day
The Savages
The High and the Mighty
Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Fort Apache
The Long Voyage Home
The Spiderwick Chronicles
The Brave One
Gone Baby Gone
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
In the Valley of Elah
Into the Wild
Charlie Wilson’s War
American Gangster
Surf’s Up
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Justice League: The New Frontier
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theatres
The Fugitive
The Water horse
Force 10 From Navarone
The Darjeeling Limited
Death at a Funeral
Defending Your Life
The Sons of Katie Elder
American Beauty
Big Jake
Dan in Real Life
This is England
Horton Hears a Who.
Rio Bravo
Across the Universe
The Informer
El Dorado
All That Jazz
Working Girl
Lost In America
Tommy Boy
National Lampoons’ Vacation
Double Indemnity
The Four Feathers
Lust; Caution
Smiley Face
The Mist
Red Eye
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
The Green Mile
Monty Python’s the Life of Brian
Crocodile Dundee
The Shawshank Redemption
Once Around
Michael Clayton
Silver Bullet
Ocean’s Eleven
Ocean’s Twelve
Ocean’s Thirteen
King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
The good Night
The Sasquatch Gang
The Langoliers
Salem’s Lot (1979)
Nancy Drew
I am Reed Fish
The Telegraph Trail
August Rush
I Want someone to Eat Cheese With
Secret Garden
Rocket Science
The War Wagon
The Stand
The Wings of Eagles
Lars and the Real Girl
Back to Bataan
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Speed Racer
The Forbidden Kingdom
Creepshow 2
Sands of Iwo Jima
Heart of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse
Raider's of the Lost Ark AKA Indiana Jone's and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Mr. Holland's Opus.
Cat's Eye
Quicksilver Highway
State and Main
Rose Red
The Dead Zone
Indiana Jones and he Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls
Two Lane Black Top
Before The Devil Knows Your Dead
Moulin Rouge
Kung Fu Panda
Dangerous Beauty
The Incredible Hulk
The Lady Vanishes
The Third Man
Terror of the Tongs
The Wind That Shakes the Barley
Year of the Dog
A Room With a View
North By Northwest
The Onion Movie
Batman Begins
Strange Wilderness
In Bruges
Wall E
Nim's Island
Be Kind Rewind
The Dark Knight
Superhero Movie
National Treasure II: Book of Secrets
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D
Space Chimps
The Age of Innocence
X-Files: I Want to Believe
Dead Poets Society
The Tracey Fragments
The Martian Chronicles
Torn Curtain
Smart People
Tropic Thunder.
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Grace is Gone.
Robin Hood:Men in tights
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
In the Heat of the Night
3 Days of the Condor
Hamlet 2
Good Night and Good Luck
Without a Clue
Disaster Movie
The Verdict
Riding the Bullet
War of the Worlds
A Shock to the System
Children of the Corn
The Horror of Dracula
The Brides of Dracula
The Fifth Element
The Iron Rose
Dracula Prince of Darkness
And Now the Screaming Starts
Dracula Has Risen From the Grave
Pet Sematary
Taste the Blood of Dracula
The Scars of Dracula
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Run Fat Boy Run
Dracula 1972 AD
Lips of Blood
Who’s That Knocking on My door?
Alien 3
Alien Resurrection
Guilty By Suspicion
Ghost Town
The Satanic Rites of Dracula
The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires
The Curse of Frankenstein
The Flesh & Blood Show
The House of Whipcord
Die Screaming Marianne
IT (1966)
Boxcar Bertha
Sometimes They Come Back
Dracula (1931)
Strip Nude For Your Killer
The Revenge of Frankenstein
Salem’s Lot (2004)
The Shining (1997)
The shining (1980)
Shadow of the Vampire
Mean Streets
La Dolce Vita
A Nightmare on Elm Street
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge
Night Of The Living Dead
Fright Night
Scream of Fear
City of Ember
Needful Things
Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
The Evil of Frankenstein
Frankenstein Created Woman
Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed
The Horror Of Frankenstein
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Sold Out: a Threevening With Kevin Smith
Who Saw Her Dies
Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Dream Child
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Casino Royale
The Disney Davey Crocket Films
Taxi Driver
Get Smart
Sin City
Quantum of Solace
Mister Foe
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Gonzo: Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Year of the Dragon
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Pete's Dragon
Little Woman
The Desperate Hours
Hellboy II
The Phantom of the Opera
Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman
City of Lost Children
New York, New York
About a Boy
Teen Wolf
Step Brothers
Meet the Parents
Meet the Fockers
Your Friends and Neighbors
Synedoche, New York
A Christmas Carol
Love Actually
The Last Waltz
Beautiful Girls
The Polar Express
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Dr. Syn: The Scarecrow of Romny Marsh
Role Models
Let the Right One In
The Castle of Cagliostro
Snow Angels
Eastern Promises
A Mighty Heart
The Namesake
As You Like It
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
Blade Runner
Take the Money and Run
Sweeney Todd
Mighty Aphrodite
Cassandra’s Dream
The Orphanage
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
The Omega Man
Match Point
There Will Be Blood
La Vie en Rose
The Golden Compass
Val Lewton – The Man In the shadows
Shoot em Up
Crimes and Misdemeanors
Remains of the Day
The Ten
Love and Death
Groundhog Day
The Savages
The High and the Mighty
Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Fort Apache
The Long Voyage Home
The Spiderwick Chronicles
The Brave One
Gone Baby Gone
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
In the Valley of Elah
Into the Wild
Charlie Wilson’s War
American Gangster
Surf’s Up
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Justice League: The New Frontier
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theatres
The Fugitive
The Water horse
Force 10 From Navarone
The Darjeeling Limited
Death at a Funeral
Defending Your Life
The Sons of Katie Elder
American Beauty
Big Jake
Dan in Real Life
This is England
Horton Hears a Who.
Rio Bravo
Across the Universe
The Informer
El Dorado
All That Jazz
Working Girl
Lost In America
Tommy Boy
National Lampoons’ Vacation
Double Indemnity
The Four Feathers
Lust; Caution
Smiley Face
The Mist
Red Eye
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
The Green Mile
Monty Python’s the Life of Brian
Crocodile Dundee
The Shawshank Redemption
Once Around
Michael Clayton
Silver Bullet
Ocean’s Eleven
Ocean’s Twelve
Ocean’s Thirteen
King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
The good Night
The Sasquatch Gang
The Langoliers
Salem’s Lot (1979)
Nancy Drew
I am Reed Fish
The Telegraph Trail
August Rush
I Want someone to Eat Cheese With
Secret Garden
Rocket Science
The War Wagon
The Stand
The Wings of Eagles
Lars and the Real Girl
Back to Bataan
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Speed Racer
The Forbidden Kingdom
Creepshow 2
Sands of Iwo Jima
Heart of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse
Raider's of the Lost Ark AKA Indiana Jone's and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Mr. Holland's Opus.
Cat's Eye
Quicksilver Highway
State and Main
Rose Red
The Dead Zone
Indiana Jones and he Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls
Two Lane Black Top
Before The Devil Knows Your Dead
Moulin Rouge
Kung Fu Panda
Dangerous Beauty
The Incredible Hulk
The Lady Vanishes
The Third Man
Terror of the Tongs
The Wind That Shakes the Barley
Year of the Dog
A Room With a View
North By Northwest
The Onion Movie
Batman Begins
Strange Wilderness
In Bruges
Wall E
Nim's Island
Be Kind Rewind
The Dark Knight
Superhero Movie
National Treasure II: Book of Secrets
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D
Space Chimps
The Age of Innocence
X-Files: I Want to Believe
Dead Poets Society
The Tracey Fragments
The Martian Chronicles
Torn Curtain
Smart People
Tropic Thunder.
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Grace is Gone.
Robin Hood:Men in tights
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
In the Heat of the Night
3 Days of the Condor
Hamlet 2
Good Night and Good Luck
Without a Clue
Disaster Movie
The Verdict
Riding the Bullet
War of the Worlds
A Shock to the System
Children of the Corn
The Horror of Dracula
The Brides of Dracula
The Fifth Element
The Iron Rose
Dracula Prince of Darkness
And Now the Screaming Starts
Dracula Has Risen From the Grave
Pet Sematary
Taste the Blood of Dracula
The Scars of Dracula
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Run Fat Boy Run
Dracula 1972 AD
Lips of Blood
Who’s That Knocking on My door?
Alien 3
Alien Resurrection
Guilty By Suspicion
Ghost Town
The Satanic Rites of Dracula
The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires
The Curse of Frankenstein
The Flesh & Blood Show
The House of Whipcord
Die Screaming Marianne
IT (1966)
Boxcar Bertha
Sometimes They Come Back
Dracula (1931)
Strip Nude For Your Killer
The Revenge of Frankenstein
Salem’s Lot (2004)
The Shining (1997)
The shining (1980)
Shadow of the Vampire
Mean Streets
La Dolce Vita
A Nightmare on Elm Street
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge
Night Of The Living Dead
Fright Night
Scream of Fear
City of Ember
Needful Things
Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
The Evil of Frankenstein
Frankenstein Created Woman
Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed
The Horror Of Frankenstein
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Sold Out: a Threevening With Kevin Smith
Who Saw Her Dies
Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Dream Child
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Casino Royale
The Disney Davey Crocket Films
Taxi Driver
Get Smart
Sin City
Quantum of Solace
Mister Foe
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Gonzo: Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Year of the Dragon
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Pete's Dragon
Little Woman
The Desperate Hours
Hellboy II
The Phantom of the Opera
Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman
City of Lost Children
New York, New York
About a Boy
Teen Wolf
Step Brothers
Meet the Parents
Meet the Fockers
Your Friends and Neighbors
Synedoche, New York
A Christmas Carol
Love Actually
The Last Waltz
Beautiful Girls
The Polar Express
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Dr. Syn: The Scarecrow of Romny Marsh
Role Models
Let the Right One In
The Castle of Cagliostro
Snow Angels
Thursday, May 8, 2008
"Once" More With Feeling.
One of the best films of 2007 was a little film that despite winning an Oscar for best Original Song and providing the highlight of the Oscar telecast many people have never seen or heard of. I love this film and it's music. In the dictionary under the word Chemistry, there is a definition of the word Chemistry. What there should be, is a still of the two leads of Once, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. Would the film work with the actors but without the music? Probably not. Would the film work with the music but different actors in the rolls? Again probably not. Would an avacado make a good political leader, Once more probably not. There are two essential elements that make Once a masterpiece. They are the music and the chemistry between Hansard and Irglova. The story is very simple, almost a non story just a week in the life of two strangers who connect over music.
In film in the last year, hell possibly the last decade, maybe forever, but probably not, there has not been two more naturally charming and captivateing performers. Hansard and Irglova are not trained actors they are musicians and they wrote all of the music for the film. What they have onscreen, and apparently now offscreen as well, is something real couples, real actors have trouble with. It is an ability to transfer onto film, not the appearance, but the feeling, the belief, the altogether knowinglyness that you belong together. You watch these two on screen and literally want to take them both home with you give them a nice hot bowl of soup and tuck them in for the night. I mean honestly, were there two more appealing, natural, and charming performances last year? If so I wish someone had captured them on film, because I promise you they didn't.
Now chemistry is all fine and good and will in itself take you a long way, but it can't do everything. For example it can't boil an egg and it's Groucho Marx impersonation is so-so at best, and It can't create a masterpeice on it's own. As charming as these two performers are and as much chemistry as they have they still needed something else to elevate Once frome a good film to a great film. That was the music. When they sit in a music shop and play Falling Slowly together, that is one of those moments that you see and never forget. It's one of those moments when you remember, though you'd forgotten for a bit, that you do believe in magic, you do you do!!
Soooo....Music and chemistry, that all ya got? Well no, it also has the most tangibly real feel to it I can remember in a fictional film, particulary for a musical. This thing feels more real than most documentaries. How did they do this? How did they pull this off? They are not trained actors, the director, John Carney, hasn't really done anything you would have heard of before he's the former bassist and vocalist in Hanards band The Frames. They did it with passion, they believed in it and it shows. The music is so great because they wrote it themselves they are not just lipsynching someone elses's words, these are their own words and I believe them to be passionate about them. At least after Wednesday night I do. Ali and I saw the Swell Season (this is Glen Hansard, and Marketa Irglova and their backing musicians) Wednesday night. We both agreed it was one of the best live concerts either of us has ever seen. Why? Well, music and chemistry, and passion, heeps of passion. After the opening act they do some more set up and then Hansard comes on stage. He's alone, and everyone cheers, and then he doesn't step up to the microphone, he steps in front of it, with his guitar unplugged, and sings the first song without the assistance of amplification. And it is amazing. I will not go on and on about every song and every cool thing that happened, you sort of had to be there. I'm just gonna say this, those people made you feel like they hardly ever do this and it's as much fun for them as it is for you. They make you feel the passion, God do they make you feel the passion. If you haven't seen Once, what the hell are you waiting for? I'd say netflix that baby, but I think you'd be mad at me, because you'll know after you watch it that I should have told you to pop out and buy a DVD, because this is a film you'll watch again, you might as well buy it.
So in what has become a tradition, if you'd call doing something you've done once before a tradition. Here are the top ten moments of perfect cinema, moments that I will put a DVD in and just watch. They may be a shot, they may be a scene, they may be a musical cue, they maybe something that ryhmes with pickle. But they are all perfect moments, moments that stay with me long after the film has ended and perhaps even the plot of the film has faded from my mind. Again for traditions sake this is in no particular order and is comprised entirely of things I can think of sitting on the couch at 11:00 PM.
1. Once: The singing of Falling Slowly.
2. Henry V: (Branagh obviously) The kings speach before the battle of Agincourt.
3. Flirting: The begining of the Dance (With a Girl Like You by the Troggs begins to play)
4. Moulin Rouge: (Sooo Many to choose from) I'm going with the Elephant Medley All you need is Love!
5. Life Is Beautiful: "Buon giorno, Principessa! " shouts Guido as he plays music through the loud speaker at the concentration camp so that Dora knows he and their son are still alive.
6. Hamlet: (just assume from now on it's Branagh OK?) Hamlet to Ophelia (his eyes filling): "I Did love you Once"
7. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Spock's Death
8. Beautiful Girls: The skating Rink AKA Hey Pooh!
9. It's a Wonderful Life: Ummm, I'm gonna go with the whole fucking movie here.
10. Somekind of Wonderful: Watts tests Keith's kissing skills, While "She Loves Me" plays on the soundtrack.
Ok as I made this list I realized I could make ten of these, these may not be the ten best but they all fit the bill.
In film in the last year, hell possibly the last decade, maybe forever, but probably not, there has not been two more naturally charming and captivateing performers. Hansard and Irglova are not trained actors they are musicians and they wrote all of the music for the film. What they have onscreen, and apparently now offscreen as well, is something real couples, real actors have trouble with. It is an ability to transfer onto film, not the appearance, but the feeling, the belief, the altogether knowinglyness that you belong together. You watch these two on screen and literally want to take them both home with you give them a nice hot bowl of soup and tuck them in for the night. I mean honestly, were there two more appealing, natural, and charming performances last year? If so I wish someone had captured them on film, because I promise you they didn't.
Now chemistry is all fine and good and will in itself take you a long way, but it can't do everything. For example it can't boil an egg and it's Groucho Marx impersonation is so-so at best, and It can't create a masterpeice on it's own. As charming as these two performers are and as much chemistry as they have they still needed something else to elevate Once frome a good film to a great film. That was the music. When they sit in a music shop and play Falling Slowly together, that is one of those moments that you see and never forget. It's one of those moments when you remember, though you'd forgotten for a bit, that you do believe in magic, you do you do!!
Soooo....Music and chemistry, that all ya got? Well no, it also has the most tangibly real feel to it I can remember in a fictional film, particulary for a musical. This thing feels more real than most documentaries. How did they do this? How did they pull this off? They are not trained actors, the director, John Carney, hasn't really done anything you would have heard of before he's the former bassist and vocalist in Hanards band The Frames. They did it with passion, they believed in it and it shows. The music is so great because they wrote it themselves they are not just lipsynching someone elses's words, these are their own words and I believe them to be passionate about them. At least after Wednesday night I do. Ali and I saw the Swell Season (this is Glen Hansard, and Marketa Irglova and their backing musicians) Wednesday night. We both agreed it was one of the best live concerts either of us has ever seen. Why? Well, music and chemistry, and passion, heeps of passion. After the opening act they do some more set up and then Hansard comes on stage. He's alone, and everyone cheers, and then he doesn't step up to the microphone, he steps in front of it, with his guitar unplugged, and sings the first song without the assistance of amplification. And it is amazing. I will not go on and on about every song and every cool thing that happened, you sort of had to be there. I'm just gonna say this, those people made you feel like they hardly ever do this and it's as much fun for them as it is for you. They make you feel the passion, God do they make you feel the passion. If you haven't seen Once, what the hell are you waiting for? I'd say netflix that baby, but I think you'd be mad at me, because you'll know after you watch it that I should have told you to pop out and buy a DVD, because this is a film you'll watch again, you might as well buy it.
So in what has become a tradition, if you'd call doing something you've done once before a tradition. Here are the top ten moments of perfect cinema, moments that I will put a DVD in and just watch. They may be a shot, they may be a scene, they may be a musical cue, they maybe something that ryhmes with pickle. But they are all perfect moments, moments that stay with me long after the film has ended and perhaps even the plot of the film has faded from my mind. Again for traditions sake this is in no particular order and is comprised entirely of things I can think of sitting on the couch at 11:00 PM.
1. Once: The singing of Falling Slowly.
2. Henry V: (Branagh obviously) The kings speach before the battle of Agincourt.
3. Flirting: The begining of the Dance (With a Girl Like You by the Troggs begins to play)
4. Moulin Rouge: (Sooo Many to choose from) I'm going with the Elephant Medley All you need is Love!
5. Life Is Beautiful: "Buon giorno, Principessa! " shouts Guido as he plays music through the loud speaker at the concentration camp so that Dora knows he and their son are still alive.
6. Hamlet: (just assume from now on it's Branagh OK?) Hamlet to Ophelia (his eyes filling): "I Did love you Once"
7. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Spock's Death
8. Beautiful Girls: The skating Rink AKA Hey Pooh!
9. It's a Wonderful Life: Ummm, I'm gonna go with the whole fucking movie here.
10. Somekind of Wonderful: Watts tests Keith's kissing skills, While "She Loves Me" plays on the soundtrack.
Ok as I made this list I realized I could make ten of these, these may not be the ten best but they all fit the bill.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Why me? Who me?
What qualifies me to write a blog on film? Absolutely nothing, my understanding though, is that is the point of a blog. People who really have no qualifications on an issue spouting off about it. Why do they do this? And by they I must of course include myself. I think we do it for one of two reasons. Either we think we are incredibly interesting on a topic and all will read on the edge of their seats awaiting the next entry with baited breathe, or because we are passionate about something. I hope I fall into the later category but I suspect all bloggers fall into both camps. I'm going to be nice to myself and say I'm in it 3/4 passionate, 1/4 I must be incredibly fascinating who wouldn't want to read what I think. But aside from this maybe there is another reason, a more personal reason. Maybe it isn't about sharing my thoughts with other so much as sharing them with myself.
"With his self did he say? What's this all about? What's he up too?"
Please, please bear with me here I'll explain my meaning, and I believe after I have written the post and posted it you'll have a chance to post comments so please refrain from blurting things out again. Thank you ever so much.
Yes with myself. I don't believe I am the first person to come up with the thought that we solidify ideas by making them real, we make them real by expressing them. I'm not sure who first thought this up, probably Aristotle, Socrates, Issac Newton or perhaps Al Gore. Anyway I doubt very much that it is a new thought but one I believe in completely. When I was a TA in film classes at Moorhead State University I came to realize that if you simply lectured to students they tended to disengage, if you included them in discussion they developed thoughts and ideas. For me it is much the same with writing, surely everything I write I am thinking or believe, but until I actually write it out, make it concrete it's just an ambigious half thought floating around inside my head getting jumbled together with memories of first kisses and weightWatcher points. So I think one of the attractions of blogging for me is to stop thinking random thoughts and haveing sort of half baked beliefs about film, the type that are just right in my head but still a bit gooey in the middle when cut open, and to actually formulate the theory/idea/thought. To fully bake it as it were. Now, that's not to say that we will actually approach anything on the order of a theory in this blog but I think you get the drift yes?
Oh, right you are waiting until I post to reply, very considerate thank you.
So that's Why Me? Who Me? now that's another question, thus the use of a second question mark, see it's really not that difficult to follow if you watch for those little clues. Well if you are reading this blog I imagine you are doing so because you know me and are afraid I'll ask if you have, so no point in going into biography here, chances are very good that you know me peripherally at least, possibly well, almost certainly sexually. Instead I will say that to me film is essential, not to say that my body would die without it, but at times I suspect my mind would, or perhaps it is my heart. That gets to the "heart" of the matter actually. For me a great film or indeed even just a good film is a film that makes me feel something. Emotion, sometimes so hard to express in real life. Often it's hard to verbalize what we feel and if we cannot acknowledge it, the emotion can be like the idea that is never writen out or spoken, vague and sometimes frustrating. But we select a film and we watch it and it moves us and we feel the emotion, we don't have to make it concrete ourselves it is there, it exists outside of ourselves but also within. Response to a film can be deeply personal and unique, which is why I may love "Moulin Rouge" and someone else cannot sit through it. We all experience a film in our own way, and it can affect the way we see the world or ourselves or each other.
So Here's what I like a film to do; make me laugh, make me cry, turn me on, scare me, make me question, make me think, make me dream, make me 12 again (actually I think I prefer 14). Remind me what it feels like to fall in love for the first time, or to face something I don't think I can overcome. Show me what a father should be, a husband should be, a friend should be, and almost as important what they should not be. Sometimes life can be kind of depressing and frustrateing and messy, and when your feeling like that the best thing to do is to put in a movie. In movies, in the best movies they get it right, which is so hard in life. Sooooo to end on a positive note here's the 10 best films (that I can come up with spontaneously at 11:30 PM) to put in when you need to see something just right. In no particular order.
1. Flirting
2. Say Anything
3. Juno
4. Me and You and Everyone We Know
5. Mr. Hollands Opus
6. Shadowlands
7. Once
8. Beautiful girls
9. Dangerous Beauty
10. Annie Hall
Until next time.....
"With his self did he say? What's this all about? What's he up too?"
Please, please bear with me here I'll explain my meaning, and I believe after I have written the post and posted it you'll have a chance to post comments so please refrain from blurting things out again. Thank you ever so much.
Yes with myself. I don't believe I am the first person to come up with the thought that we solidify ideas by making them real, we make them real by expressing them. I'm not sure who first thought this up, probably Aristotle, Socrates, Issac Newton or perhaps Al Gore. Anyway I doubt very much that it is a new thought but one I believe in completely. When I was a TA in film classes at Moorhead State University I came to realize that if you simply lectured to students they tended to disengage, if you included them in discussion they developed thoughts and ideas. For me it is much the same with writing, surely everything I write I am thinking or believe, but until I actually write it out, make it concrete it's just an ambigious half thought floating around inside my head getting jumbled together with memories of first kisses and weightWatcher points. So I think one of the attractions of blogging for me is to stop thinking random thoughts and haveing sort of half baked beliefs about film, the type that are just right in my head but still a bit gooey in the middle when cut open, and to actually formulate the theory/idea/thought. To fully bake it as it were. Now, that's not to say that we will actually approach anything on the order of a theory in this blog but I think you get the drift yes?
Oh, right you are waiting until I post to reply, very considerate thank you.
So that's Why Me? Who Me? now that's another question, thus the use of a second question mark, see it's really not that difficult to follow if you watch for those little clues. Well if you are reading this blog I imagine you are doing so because you know me and are afraid I'll ask if you have, so no point in going into biography here, chances are very good that you know me peripherally at least, possibly well, almost certainly sexually. Instead I will say that to me film is essential, not to say that my body would die without it, but at times I suspect my mind would, or perhaps it is my heart. That gets to the "heart" of the matter actually. For me a great film or indeed even just a good film is a film that makes me feel something. Emotion, sometimes so hard to express in real life. Often it's hard to verbalize what we feel and if we cannot acknowledge it, the emotion can be like the idea that is never writen out or spoken, vague and sometimes frustrating. But we select a film and we watch it and it moves us and we feel the emotion, we don't have to make it concrete ourselves it is there, it exists outside of ourselves but also within. Response to a film can be deeply personal and unique, which is why I may love "Moulin Rouge" and someone else cannot sit through it. We all experience a film in our own way, and it can affect the way we see the world or ourselves or each other.
So Here's what I like a film to do; make me laugh, make me cry, turn me on, scare me, make me question, make me think, make me dream, make me 12 again (actually I think I prefer 14). Remind me what it feels like to fall in love for the first time, or to face something I don't think I can overcome. Show me what a father should be, a husband should be, a friend should be, and almost as important what they should not be. Sometimes life can be kind of depressing and frustrateing and messy, and when your feeling like that the best thing to do is to put in a movie. In movies, in the best movies they get it right, which is so hard in life. Sooooo to end on a positive note here's the 10 best films (that I can come up with spontaneously at 11:30 PM) to put in when you need to see something just right. In no particular order.
1. Flirting
2. Say Anything
3. Juno
4. Me and You and Everyone We Know
5. Mr. Hollands Opus
6. Shadowlands
7. Once
8. Beautiful girls
9. Dangerous Beauty
10. Annie Hall
Until next time.....
Monday, May 5, 2008
Statement of intent.
This blog is not a place where I will review every film I see. I have watched over 120 films so far in 2008 and there is no way I can possibly write a review on each one of them. If that were to be my intent I would fail and quickly. I will likely keep an onging list of what I have watched, and post reviews and or comments on the ones I feel so inclined to. I enjoy making lists, compiling lists, and reading lists, and believe in my heart of hearts that my list of top ten films on young love will someday save a life, assuming of course that I create it. Expect lists - I can definitely commit to lists. I believe in lists the way others believe that Kraft is the Cheesiest - wholeheartedly.
I imagine that I will from time to time see something and, while not having the time or desire to write a full review, I will want to comment on some aspect of it, some trend, even just a theory. I will probably write down some thoughts on my favorite this and thats... whatever those are. As we lose important or not so important people in film I will probably say something, a full out tribute? possibly, doubtful, but one never knows. A list of their best films and a brief comment on their passing... seems a bit more likely doesn't it? Now if say Red Buttons died, I don't think I would really have much to say...actually for all I know he is dead....yep, IMDB confirms Red is no longer with us, and as I suspected I really don't have anything to add to that. Now if Kenneth Branagh dies, you'll probably want to not check in for awhile as I'm likely (assuming I can bring myself to post{is that what they call it?}) to go on and on and on about it for days, months, years, from that day until the ending of the world!!!
Which brings me to two final points. On my next post (again is that what they call it?) I will try and explain my likes and dislikes, my loves and my hates, my thoughts and feelings about film. So that you the non-existent reader will have a better understanding of me and my tastes. Thus giving yourself the tools with which to judge whether reading this blog is what you really want to do with your imaginary freetime or if you'd rather spend it doing other seemingly less wasteful things. The second point is that I really have only the slightest idea what a blog is and how to use it. I know it has something to do with typing in thoughts so that others can read them and respond, and possibly there's a goat involved, but that as with all things technical is where it gets a bit fuzzy on me. So I will attempt to keep this updated regularly, would greatly appreciate your response or Comments as I belive they are called in the world of blogging. I will also attempt to post links and add lists and things but let's face it... it'll be kind of a miracle if I can find the blog again!
For now that is all I will try and be back soon.
I imagine that I will from time to time see something and, while not having the time or desire to write a full review, I will want to comment on some aspect of it, some trend, even just a theory. I will probably write down some thoughts on my favorite this and thats... whatever those are. As we lose important or not so important people in film I will probably say something, a full out tribute? possibly, doubtful, but one never knows. A list of their best films and a brief comment on their passing... seems a bit more likely doesn't it? Now if say Red Buttons died, I don't think I would really have much to say...actually for all I know he is dead....yep, IMDB confirms Red is no longer with us, and as I suspected I really don't have anything to add to that. Now if Kenneth Branagh dies, you'll probably want to not check in for awhile as I'm likely (assuming I can bring myself to post{is that what they call it?}) to go on and on and on about it for days, months, years, from that day until the ending of the world!!!
Which brings me to two final points. On my next post (again is that what they call it?) I will try and explain my likes and dislikes, my loves and my hates, my thoughts and feelings about film. So that you the non-existent reader will have a better understanding of me and my tastes. Thus giving yourself the tools with which to judge whether reading this blog is what you really want to do with your imaginary freetime or if you'd rather spend it doing other seemingly less wasteful things. The second point is that I really have only the slightest idea what a blog is and how to use it. I know it has something to do with typing in thoughts so that others can read them and respond, and possibly there's a goat involved, but that as with all things technical is where it gets a bit fuzzy on me. So I will attempt to keep this updated regularly, would greatly appreciate your response or Comments as I belive they are called in the world of blogging. I will also attempt to post links and add lists and things but let's face it... it'll be kind of a miracle if I can find the blog again!
For now that is all I will try and be back soon.
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