Why do I feel so angry towards Mickey Rourke? Do I think he doesn’t deserve his Golden Globe or his Oscar nomination? No, I think he does, I’m rooting for him to take home the Oscar in fact. So he’s having a dream comeback do I begrudge him a comeback? No, I’m thrilled he’s getting this chance. So why am I so angry with him? I’m angry because I think he’s going to Fuck it all up again. I’m angry because he screwed it up so bad the first time that it’s not just about people forgiving the past and giving him another shot, he screwed up so bad he’s ruined his face. I’m angry because the first thing he does after all this happens is agree to appear at Wrestlemania.
Why is he great in the Wrestler? First of all because underneath everything he’s always been a great actor and still is, he does have talent. Secondly it’s his own story thinly veiled, he’s playing not himself but his own story. The role is such a perfect fit for the actor that it allows the talent to shine through, and the performance to resonate with the audience because we can all see the parallels, making it all that much more moving.
So why do I care that he messed up his face so bad and that he dropped off the radar for almost 20 years? Because in the mid to late 80’s he was my hero. I wanted to be Mickey Rourke, he was a beautiful man who turned in soulful, intelligent performances that were frequently better than the films he appeared in. He was my favorite actor, to understand what I’m talking about watch Diner, Year of the Dragon, Angel Heart , The Pope of Greenwhich Village, and Barfly. Then he shelf destructed, he went into boxing and ended up looking like a plastic surgeons practice doll. He went from an actor with all the talent in the world and a face that could portray anything to an actor with all the talent in the world with a face that allows him to play wrestlers and super villains. Maybe I’m wrong maybe if he showered and cut his hair I’d see that this isn’t the case but from what I can see from the awards shows and talk shows he’s been on in the last month or two, he’s barely human.
Now he can still act that’s very evident in The Wrestler, but can normal people stand to be around him anymore? I saw him on the Graham Norton show a week or so ago and he was on with Jessica Biel, and the whole show I was feeling so sorry for her because he was so creepy. I suspect the boxing did a number on his brain along with his face and he has no idea how to read social cues, or dress. But maybe that’s me, maybe the 70’s pimp look is back in style. So looks and personal quirks aside it really comes down to wasted talent. But this is nothing new for Rourke even before he went off the deep end he reportedly turned down The Role of Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop, & Bruce Willis’ role in Pulp fiction. He’s turned down lead roles in Highlander (1986), The Untouchables (1987) and Rain Man (1988) even more recent he was originally cast as Stunt Man Mike in Death Proof. So at the top of his promise he was turning down great rolls. He’s one of those people who really need to check the attitude at the door and have an agent or manager always around them to remind him what matters.
Can he turn this comeback into a career again? He can if he keeps his head screwed on straight. Stops being scary and bathes. What he needs to do is find some roles that show his range but that can accept his look. He can’t do anything about his face so he has to seek out roles that can accommodate them. He should play Killer Croc in the next Batman Film, he has the body for it, these are serious film and the face can be explained and partially covered with makeup.
And that’s all I have to say about the war in Viet Nam